Fitting in Fitness with Kristin Francy
Fun Stuff & Adulting

Fitting in Fitness vol. 1: Intro

I don’t know about you, but it has been REALLY hard to me to focus on fitting in fitness lately.  With my office growing, business building up, and all of the traveling I’ve been doing for work … fitness has fallen by the wayside … or should I say waist line! 

As an ex professional dancer, fitness was always a huge part of my life. In recent years, it’s been hard for me to find time to fit it in. Everyone can relate to the struggle of fitting in fitness, and I am no different.  Which is why I reached out to my friend and expert, Jennifer Steen.  She has taken on the challenge of helping me get back into my routine, and I want you to follow along with me.

Fitting in Fitness: The Series

Follow me as I embark on a 30+ day back to fitness plan with Jen and the crew.  Let’s be honest, it’s a lifestyle change not just a 30 day challenge. During this time she will educate all of us on the basics of fitness, nutrition, and the importance of fitting it all in.  No matter how busy your schedule is, you can make time for your health.  When you feel good, you look good, and you are giving your priorities your best self. 

Have you ever noticed during the airplane safety demonstration, they tell you in the event of a change in cabin pressure, secure your own mask before helping others?  This goes for everything in life.  You cannot help others, if you yourself are not doing well.  Be there for you family, your career, and yourself by taking care of your fitness and nutrition.   

Fitting in Fitness: The Crew

I am pulling out all the stops for this series. I reached out to many of my close friends, fitness industry leaders, and some of the top fitness influencers I know. They are all here to help me, and YOU, get back into a fitness routine. Each of them specialize is something different, so there is something in this series for everyone. Whether you’re into calming yoga or lifting the heaviest weights you can, you are welcome here! Let’s meet the crew:

Jennifer Steen

Bret Contreras

Kim Kelly

Ana Barron Strouse

Anthony Castaneda

Govi Hogan

Chrissy Reilly

Carolina Vivas

Aly Miller

Tap each link to follow them on Instagram and check out their personal websites.

This week: Preparation:

When you are starting any type of new routine, it is important to plan.  You need to set yourself up for success!  The busier you are, the more important this step it.  The reason why we (especially me) go for the junk food on a busy day is because it’s convenient, and likely what is closest to us.  As a result, we easily fall off of our nutrition program. If you have healthy and nutritious options readily available for you to snack on, or a prepared meal that just needs to be heated up, you are going to stick to your meal plan. 

“As a health and fitness expert, I have discovered that a proper nutrition program is key to the success of any weight loss goal.” – Chrissy Reilly

Pro Tip: Plan Ahead.  Create a weekly menu that follows your meal plan.  She suggests you prep 2-3 meals ahead of time to make sure you are in full control of the ingredients and portion sizes. This is especially helpful when trying to avoid restaurants and fast food that will throw you off your meal plan.

You can also plan out your workouts for the week.  If this includes a group fitness class, that you need to sign up for, sign up for them!  When you signup for a class ahead of time, you are more likely to stick to that commitment and succeed. 

This week, I prepped my meals, planned out my workouts, and feel like I am set up for success!  Here are some pictures of me preparing some of the yummy meals Chrissy has on my personalized meal plan.

Are you ready? Let’s Go!

If you’re interested in following along with me, and I highly recommend you do, reach out to Jennifer Steen herself!  Not only is she a fitness and nutrition genius, she is insanely fit and one of the nicest people I know!

Kristin Francy, Insurance and Financial Services Agent

For tips on Insurance and Financial Services, visit those categories or my homepage.