Financial Services

Kristin Francy gives you the straight talk about Financial Services. Learn more about budgeting, saving money and get tips on how to make your finances work for you. Here you will learn all about financial services.  From budgeting tips to saving money, smart moves specific to millennials, and even how to pay off your debt. <h4><em>If you feel like a Budgeting Baby or you need help creating a budget, follow </em><strong><em>My 5 Steps and 5 Tips to Creating a Budget and become a Budgeting Boss in 2019!</em></strong></h4> <h4><strong>Step 1: Find out where your money is going.</strong></h4> Before creating a budget, you need to know where you are at right now, so you can make changes. Be honest with yourself and take a true look at your expenses.  You might be shocked to see how much you are spending in certain areas, simply because you’re not paying attention.  For example, I was surprised to see how much I spent on eating out and treating my friends! As hard as this step may be, it is very important to have a foundation of where you typically spend money, so you can make a budget that is realistic. <a href="">Read more here.</a>