Tips to make flowers last longer with Kristin Francy
Fun Stuff & Adulting

6 Hacks to Make Your Flowers Last Longer

How do I make my flowers last longer? I absolutely LOVE having fresh flowers in my home and office.  There is just something about the smell and the look of fresh flowers that brighten my mood.  How do we make the freshness and smell of fresh cut flowers last longer? I am a huge believer in buying flowers for yourself and am always looking for ways to keep my flowers fresher longer.  I have done the research, spoke with the experts (thank you Wyld Blooms for your input) , and created a list of flower hacks to help your blooms stay fresh for as long as possible!

1. Trim the ends right when you get home, before you put them in fresh water.

Most people know to do this, but did you know it’s also important to make sure you cut them at a 45° and place them in water immediately after.  If you have a large amount to trim, set them in water while you trim and them arrange them once you’re done. 

Tip: Do not let the trimmed flowers sit on the counter.  This could form air pockets and create a block in the path of water.

Tips to make flowers last longer

2. Choose the right size vase.

You want to give your fresh flowers room to breathe.  If your vase is too small, they will be cramped and won’t bloom properly.  You also don’t want a vase that is too big, or your flower arrangement won’t stand up the way you want it to. 

Tip: If you have a large vase you want to display, place a smaller vase inside of it to properly accommodate your arrangement while still being able to use the grandness of a larger vase.

3. Keep the water fresh and clean.

Refresh the water in your vase every other day.  Instead of simply filling up the water, dump it out, rinse, and replace with fresh water for your buds. This keeps the water fresh from bacteria.

Tip: If you use flower food (not recommended but some enjoy it), you can replace the food with a couple drops of bleach and a teaspoon of sugar to 1 quart of water each time you rinse and replace.

4. Add a copper penny to the bottom.

I used to think this was a bit of a superstition, but now I am a believer! There is a bit of science behind the reasoning for this flower hack.  The copper in pennies works as an acidifier to help keep the growth of bacteria and fungus down (another reason why #3 is important, you want to keep the water fresh).  Pennies minted before 1982 will have more copper in them, so make sure to save those for your flowers when you find them!

Tips to make flowers last longer

5. Store your flowers in a cool place.

You may be tempted to store your flowers in a window with sunlight, but this is a bad idea!  This might be good for some of your potted plants, but fresh cut flowers will dry out in the sun or heat.  So make sure you pick a cool spot for them.

6. Don’t over water potted plants.

Some flowers, like orchids and succulents, don’t need very much water.  A great way to make sure they receive the perfect amount of hydration is to place an ice cube in the soil.  This will work like a drip water system as the ice melts into the soil, and slowly hydrate your flowers the perfect amount.

Tip: If you’re into succulents and cute vases, visit one of my favorite San Diego stores, Pigment!

Go out and buy yourself some fresh flowers today!  Use these hacks to help you keep your fresh cut flowers last longer! 

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