5 rules to recover from jet lag
Fun Stuff & Adulting

How to Recover from Jet Lag

My rules for how to recover from jet lag. I must admit I am writing these knowing full well, that I do not always listen to my own advice.  However, I promise if you follow these rules after returning from overseas, you will recover from the travel hangover faster than it takes you to unpack your luggage! (Which might also be a while for some of us.)

Rule 1. Don’t Overpack Your Return:

I know it’s super tempting to jump back into a busy schedule, especially when you have been gone for a while.  However, you will benefit from having some time to ease back into reality.  Try not to pack your schedule from sunrise to sundown.  Take it easy while you recover form jet lag, then jump into full speed when you are back to 100% YOU!

Rule 2. Avoid Artificial Stimulants

Skip the energy drinks, coffee, and other high sugar beverages.  Again, this one is tempting and so easy to do, but you must resist!  Pumping your body full of artificial stimulants will make you crash even harder and will only prolong the feeling of jet lag.  Instead, reach for water and other hydrating beverages to help you battle the jet lag dehydration and get back to feeling yourself quicker.

Rule 3. Eat Right!

Make sure you’re getting proper nutrition to help your body function on all cylinders.  It’s also important to eat at the right times, avoid eating dinner too late, or breakfast too early, stick to your current time zone.  Help your body adjust to the time zone again by sticking to an appropriate schedule.

Rule 4. Exercise

It’s well known that when you are in better condition, your body adjusts to new time zones better.  This helps professional athletes during competition, but actually helps everyone adjust.  When you get back from vacation or a work trip overseas, try to plan time to exercise.  Whether you sign up for a group class or schedule a time to walk or run with a friend, make the plan before you get back … and stick to it! Exercise boosts your endorphins and helps get your metabolism back on track.

Rule 5. SUN!

That’s right, soak up the sun and get your full dose of vitamins.  Being in the sun not only helps us brighten our mood and feel better, it helps regulate us faster.  Living in San Diego makes this much easier to do no matter what season it is.

Regardless of jet lag, there is no rest for the wicked!! What we have in the pipes can’t wait, and neither will we!

-Kristin Francy Insurance and Financial Services Agent.

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